Rainy Day

I will dig a hole. Save my pennies for a rainy day.

I’m not scared. I’ll build a wall. Saw it coming from a mile away.

Someday I will know when to close myself off from the world and I will be able to brace for a storm. Today, I am not prepared. The world takes what it can and leaves me in the ashes. My heart and soul will learn the skills necessary to survive but, they won’t accomplish that today.

Friday I’m in Love

My would you look at the time? Another week gone and past but I am so glad. Mr. Possible has officially been gone a week which means we are that much closer to being together again. Military is great at forcing you to respect the calendar. Yes, the all mighty teller of days and the king of all countdowns! Without that calender I would run in circles while praying that Mr.Possible would emerge out of no where. Like many people my age, I enjoy procrastination! The calender is helpful in aiding my delusion that one day is plenty of time to finish a project that was assigned a month ago! Funny how your personality controls a calenders impact on your life. Anyway, Friday is great because it reminds me that I am either one step closer to something or one step further from something. If something bad happens Friday helps ease the pain and sweep me away from the torment but, if something good is coming then Friday helps amp my excitement! I suppose other days of the week harbor the same effect but, Friday has the most hype. No matter the case, you can always count on Friday to be your tub of Ben and Jerry!

My Friends?

I have had the same friends since the fifth grade and it amazes me to see how life has changed us. I was the only one of my friends to leave high school early, get married young, work full time, and miss senior year. In honesty I don’t feel like I am missing anything. My friends sound miserable. While they deal with senior year BS, I am off enjoying community college and a full time job. Surprisingly, I enjoy the business of it all. Even though I am legally married I am still at home with the family. Mr. Possible and I signed our license in order to get on the housing list so we wouldn’t be homeless after the honeymoon. Weddings drain you and we wanted to have a on-base home prepared for our arrival. Things didn’t turn out as planned but, now we will return to our apartment in Roseville, CA. My friends and I are in completely different worlds! Oddly enough only one of them has started planning her future…I don’t claim to be mature but, suddenly my friends seem to be on a different page. I love them all and know they are here for me but, we don’t have much in common. Once they join me in the real world I am sure we will once again feel connected but, until then I am stranded. They are my only anchor and a constant reminder that my life has started. As they gripe about prom dresses I sit here and fuss over insurance/ wedding struggles. Never in a million years would I have predicted my life to lead me here. My sister (best friend-seen above)  and I talked the other night while laying on her patio. She and I are drifting towards different paths, we always thought we would be together and live -at most- a couple hours away…Obviously, that is impossible. I am so happy to be where I am but, it is hard seeing all that I have slowly transform into a memory. May I never forget any of them. 

A Poem for your Penny

Dollar, dollar don’t go away

There is a place for you to stay

Wallet, wallet open wide

Like I thought, there is room inside

Hop right in and don’t you fret

Its family safe and warm? you bet

Dollar, dollar won’t you stay

And Raise a family too, I pray

A Little Thing Called Money

Praying for a miracle! Actually, I am not praying for financial support at all. God has bigger fish to fry and it seems silly to beg for a money tree. Any military wives out there will understand when I say this, Military SUCKS Canaries! Gosh dang-it,  due to a mix up in hosing my hubby had to rent a CA apartment/ purchase a car! We weren’t expecting those extra expenses and now our planning is all for not. Eight months of stress down the drain! Every deposit was paid for but suddenly, I am back to square one. Mr.Possible won’t be reimbursed for the PCS or get his tax refund back for another couple months! Due to his lack of money when arriving he had to get paid in advance in order to afford a quick place to live and a car to get to work. All we need is 3k and we can have our wedding back! It is so depressing that we are so close and being forced to hit restart…I just feel like cuddling up to  an aggressive bear! At least then my stress would be gone, right? Sorry for being melodramatic but my wedding is the last place I will see my whole family for God Knows How Long! Worse news is that Mr.Possible may be deploying shortly after our formal union. Thanks Fate. Hoping for the best but, expecting the worse. Why can’t we all just barter for things we want? You give me free tables/chairs and I will do any legal trade, okay?

Back and Married

Sorry for my absence but, I was busy becoming a married woman. Mr. Possible is now my husband and I never expected it to feel this good. Saying our vows and exchanging rings, it was all so perfect. The big formal wedding is still months away and I couldn’t be more excited.  Gorgeous cabin venue, 1950s rustic theme, and my perfect lace gown are all waiting to be used. Soon I will be celebrating my union with my loved ones and then I am off to celebrate with my husband on a luxury island. Dreaming of the day is all I have but soon it will become a reality. Seeing that ring on his finger makes me complete and I cry knowing he leaves in the morning…Service before self. I knew he couldn’t stay but, I wish that he could. Military life is part of me now and I can’t ignore the gritty details. Five months apart will add to the emotion of our formal affair and well, absence makes the heart grows fonder. Basic training made us strong and brought Mr.Possible down on one knee but, tech. school just made us antsy. Hopefully the time passes quickly because, I just want my husband to be home. 

The sparrow has landed!!!!

Mr.Possible is home and the civil ceremony is this Tuesday! The whole drive to his mothers house I had this awful feeling that they would all jump out and say ,”April Fools! He isn’t coming home.” This notion (through improbable) raced around my noggin until I arrived and embraced his mother for the first time in a long time. Next day (today) I was a nervous wreck. What is he noticed I lost some of my toned muscle> What if I wasn’t good enough? Any food before his arrival would be impossible! To make matters more frustrating, my chipped tooth went from slight sensitivity to full throbbing pain! Me and Mr.Possibles mother searched for a dentist that would take my insurance and of course, no one accepts Mery Care…However, T’Ts husband (J’T) saved the day! His friend is a dentist and even though he wouldn’t fix the pain he prescribed me some antibiotics to help. After getting my medicine from Walmart we grabbed some Orajel and I have spend most of this day numb mouthed and drooling! Then I had just mustered up the courage to take a bite of a chicken salad sandwich when my beloved pulled up the driveway! Frantically I rushed to the bathroom for some mouth wash and darted out the front door. I ran to hug him or well, tackle him and we stayed in each others arms for what seemed like forever! I can’t fathom a world without Mr.Possible in it and I still can’t take in the fact that he is laying beside me! If this is a dream, nobody better pinch me!

3 a.m Inspiration

Mr.Possible and I have a sick obsession with artsy shows and movies. We also have a thing for those brain rotting Cartoon Network series that make you feel mushy if enjoyed for too long. Since I couldn’t sleep all night I decided to put pen to paper and let my creativity flow! Here are two pictures of me and Mr.Possible inspired by the shows Adventure Time and Regular Show. Hope you like them as much as I do!

Finally…The wait is Over

SO much laundry and cleaning to do before I am ready to drive down to T’Ts house. Mr.Possible’s mother is so excited to see me and I am just as ecstatic! If only she didn’t live three and a half hours away, then we could see each other more! Of course, I procrastinated and left all the cleaning to the night before…That is just like me. However, no amount of dirty sheets or dishes could keep me from being joyful. It has been five months and I am just ready for Mr.Possible’s kisses. Not to mention our civil ceremony is around the corner! By this time next week I will be sharing the same last name as my prince in camo-armor and we will officially be team Possible!

I may not be the luckiest girl in the world but, he sure makes me believe I am. No time for a shower tonight so I will need to rise bright and early! My bags aren’t even packed and the living room is a wreck! If I work hard I may be able to have everything spotless by midnight…Oh, here is hoping! My future is waiting for me, if only I could clean up this mess!!!

First Dance

We finally found our first Dance song and it is so relaxed, personal, and simply romantic! The song is Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson and is beyond perfect. We had some younger choices that I know we would grow out of but, Jack Johnson is timeless. The song is about wanting to spend a lazy day with you lover. I can imagine Mr.Possible and I being able to dance to this song at any point in our daily life. It is a song that makes you want to slow down. I know later in life we will need reminders as to why we are together and this song can bring us home, especially when Mr.Possible is deployed or far away.

Song is meant to keep you
From doing what you’re supposed to.
Waking up too early
Maybe we can sleep in
Make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it’s the weekend now

And we could pretend it all the time
Can’t you see that it’s just raining?
There ain’t no need to go outside

If you have never heard this song then I strongly encourage you to give it a chance and just unwind. Slow dancing to these cute lyrics will better shape our personable intimate wedding. I am inspired by how music moves me and I hope this song can be our glue, our  anchor,  and the threshold to a simpler love. May we always Dance in Time.